Best Projects delivered by CodiFly IT Solutions in 2022
Pluc.TV is a start to finish creator economy platform where people can learn, produce, market and monetise content early. More than 32,000 people across the world are pluc creators and they are growing.You can find unheard and untold stories and shows on their showcase section and create your own, by upskilling on the course on the platform.
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A new teaching method. Discover a multidisciplinary knowledge base, with several instructors and lots of experience exchange.Get Free Registration . Sign up and get access to an amazing knowledge base.

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A Great Simulation platform for Paint Robots where you can calculate cost estimations based on the color and building type. This is a new startup where paint robots, paint the buildings.

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An MVP Restaurant Mobile app developed in React Native for client based in Brazil. This is Restaurant cum social site where not only dishes can be ordered but also reels can be uploaded where others can get in touch with user for recipe.

UI/UX Designs Deliverable of 2022

UI/UX designs are the preliminary steps in software development. We did design 10 projects in 2022 and delivered them succesfully. CodiFly IT Solutions use Figma which is the most famous ui/ux tool in market as of today.

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